Saturday, April 25, 2009

AJ's beginning...

Well, we have finally made the big jump of getting zed cards and headshots completed for AJ. We are working with someone right now who we really hope will be able to help us get work for her. It was a lot of fun doing this photo shoot and we hope you will all keep this in prayer for us. God's timing is perfect and although we know this is a tough business, we are willing to give it a shot for her. It's only a few times a week that people have been telling us she has "that look" for being in print/commercials., etc!


Emily said...

Amazing photos, Trina! It was so great to play today!! Looking forward to seeing the rest of your family soon.

Laura said...

She is BEAUTIFUL, Trina! Can't wait to see how God is going to use her!

Kelly said...

Wow Trina, I can DEFINITELY see her in front of the camera! The photos are beautiful (and she is a beautiful girl!) Good luck

My name is Heather. said...

hey trina, it's heather...your family is gorgeous! i can't believe how much it's grown. I think the last time i saw AJ, and you for that matter, she was just a baby. miss you! blog address is

LaurenJ said...

she is beautiful!

ryleeandnoahsmom said...

AJ is so pretty and has really blossomed into a little lady. These shots are amazing and something I know you'll treasure forever.

Just us 5 in L.A. said...

Aye!!!!! Can't take it!!!!!! I love her smile. What a gift that sweet girl is.